A Message from Our President
Welcome to our Allen County Bar Association website. The purpose of our website is to provide valuable information to our members and to the public, concerning association events and legal issues.
The mission of the Allen County Bar Association is to cultivate knowledge of the law, promote reform of the law, facilitate the administration of justice, elevate the standard of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession, and foster a spirit of mutual respect among members of the Bar, in order to better serve the public.
We hope that this website will allow our association to better fulfill this mission, by facilitating the flow of information and communication among our members and with the public. Our thanks to our members who have worked hard to put this website together, and to our members who utilize this website to fulfill this mission. We encourage our members to inform the public about our website, particularly if there is a potential grievance against an attorney living or practicing in Allen County, or a member of the public is seeking a referral to an attorney who handles a particular area of law.
Judge Terri Kohlrieser, President